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Faroe Islands Away 2022-2023

62,50 TAX included

Faroe Islands Football Shirt. Away Kit. Blue color. Season 2022-2023. Erreà Sport and the Faroe Islands Football Association (FSF) have unveiled the new national team kits, produced as a result of the Erreà – UEFA agreement under the Kit Assistance Scheme, through which UEFA supports smaller football associations by supplying technical sports gear.

Plain and on a blue background, the away shirt has a Plain and on a blue background, the away shirt has a verti-cal stripe with a cross which recalls that seen on the flag. The Erreà logo is on the right, that of the Association is symbolically positioned on the left, the side of the heart.

The sleeve ends and the ribbed collar are in white, whilst the country’s flag appears on back of the collar. This makes this Faroe Islands Football Shirt very interesting for collectors.

(We have more Erreá brand shirts).

(We have more national teams shirts).

Cómo saber tu talla / How to know your size

Coge una cinta métrica y pásala por la parte más ancha de tu pecho, de tal forma que el contorno sea paralelo al suelo y pase justo por la parte inferior de los brazos (a la altura de las axilas).

To do this, take a tape measure and run it across the widest part of your chest, so that the contour is parallel to the floor and passes just under your arms (at armpit level).