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Iraq National Team Home 2021-2023

54,90 TAX included

The Umbro Iraq national football team 2021-2022 home football shirt is green with a graphic pattern of the Babylon palm across the front, symbolizing victory as well as the walls of the Ishtar Gate, once one of eight entrances to the inner city of ancient Babylon.

(We have more Umbro branded shirts).

(We have more national teams shirts).

(You can visit the Irak Football Federation website here).

Cómo saber tu talla / How to know your size

Coge una cinta métrica y pásala por la parte más ancha de tu pecho, de tal forma que el contorno sea paralelo al suelo y pase justo por la parte inferior de los brazos (a la altura de las axilas).

To do this, take a tape measure and run it across the widest part of your chest, so that the contour is parallel to the floor and passes just under your arms (at armpit level).