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Parma Calcio Home 2022-2023

54,90 TAX included

The new Parma Calcio home kit for 2022-2023 combines a clean white base with the characteristic black cross on the front of the body. However, there’s a trick: to embody a dynamic aura, the 2022-2023 Erreá Parma Calcio football shirt features thin yellow and blue lines between the cross and the white base. Home Kit. 2022-2023 Erreá Adult sizes.

(We have more Erreá branded shirts.)

(We have more Italian teams shirts.)

Cómo saber tu talla / How to know your size

Coge una cinta métrica y pásala por la parte más ancha de tu pecho, de tal forma que el contorno sea paralelo al suelo y pase justo por la parte inferior de los brazos (a la altura de las axilas).

To do this, take a tape measure and run it across the widest part of your chest, so that the contour is parallel to the floor and passes just under your arms (at armpit level).